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Thank you for clicking through to my website. I’m Nadine, a yoga teacher specialising in deep rest and relaxation on a mission to help other women reconnect with their innate power, as I have.
There’s seriously something that clicks as a woman matures. A realisation that until now we have lived as society wanted us to- in service to others. Being a “Good girl”. There’s nothing wrong with serving others, nurturing our family, loving and caring for other people and wanting what’s best for them. I am proud to have raised a family and been a good friend myself. But there is something wrong when this service doesn’t include our own needs and desires. Looking after what WE want and need. Serving ourselves as well.
As women we are often not aware of this dynamic; that we are running ourselves into the ground as we keep everything else afloat. Our attention is focused outward and when everyone else is okay then we are okay. That works until it doesn’t. At some stage – often when burnout hits – we look at ourselves and don’t recognise what we see. Where did all that vibrancy and energy go? Those dreams? Where is ME in all this?
The beauty in that question is that she’s right here. She didn’t go anywhere, she just got buried. So now we have awareness, the excavation begins.
I truly believe that a well rested woman is a woman more in connection with her inner self. A woman who has the strength and confidence to set boundaries and maintain them. A woman who has found her voice. Self care isn’t selfish. That’s what we have been conditioned to believe to keep us in service to others. But don’t we want more for our daughters and our sisters than endless self sacrifice?
It is my wish and intention that my website and anything digital I create should offer firstly a true and honest representation of of my own journey and who I am so you know that what you read or see online is exactly what you would get in person too. I don’t do filters, curated personas or platitudes. WYSIWYG. Then, it should offer a source of encouragement and comfort, knowing that however lost or tired you feel, that there is a path home and you get there through rest.
🌱 Find and book events here:
My classes, special events and workshops are practical ways that you can explore and find this reconnection. Getting rest should sound easy shouldn’t it? But for a lot of people there’s layers of habituation to get through first. Learning the skills in calming the mind and soothing the thoughts before deep rest can begin. Challenging the feelings of guilt for ‘doing nothing’ that many women feel at first. Recognising that you are worthy and deserve the balance and fulfilment that feeling whole and sovereign brings. Sitting on a sofa with a smartphone in your hand isn’t rest but distraction. There’s nothing wrong with distraction, unless that’s all you do. My events provide a structured way to actively block out the time in your schedule to prioritise your wellbeing. It’s a way to find feminine flow within the masculine energy of society. It’s a way to journey inward to self within the community of likeminded women, in the form of a social occasion. An alternative, holistic ‘night out’!
Feel free to click around this website and explore all you want. Ask me a question or share your thoughts, there’s a contact page and my email address is there. There’s also plenty of sign up boxes to get access to my mailing list where I send an (approx) monthly newsletter with deeper thoughts and latest offerings.
Happiness is right here, in the present. I am here. You are here. It’s a pleasure to share this moment with you. 💖✨ #yogacommunity #divinefeminine #restandrelaxation #personaldevelopment #womenempowerment #selfcareisntselfish #learntomeditate #yoganidra #nidranadine #righthererightnow #highvibration #selfcarelookslikethis #restanddigest #wildfeminine #mindbodysoul #selflove #selfconfidence #innerpeace
How do you know if I am the right guide for you?
I value freedom, personal responsibility, fun, kindness, playfulness, compassion, harmony and mutual respect.
I tend to focus on the bright side, finding the lessons in life’s knocks. Not to deny the existence of negative things or pretend that the dark isn’t there. But to extract the wisdom from the cards we’re dealt, and use what we find there to our advantage.
One of the best ways to get out of the dark in the first place is to be brave enough to sit with it. Embrace it even. You have to be the one to do it. Nobody can do it for you. But you don’t have to do it alone.
My yoga classes, meditations, events, courses and sound offerings are designed to help you create the space and the conditions so you can shift your energy. Emotions are energy in motion … literally!
Herein lies the tools to help you carve and shape your experience. It’s about consistently showing up for yourself. But if you keep chipping away, eventually you will get your masterpiece.