How do you know if I am the right guide for you?
I value freedom, personal responsibility, fun, kindness, playfulness, compassion, harmony and mutual respect.
I tend to focus on the bright side, finding the lessons in life’s knocks. Not to deny the existence of negative things or pretend that the dark isn’t there. But to extract the wisdom from the cards we’re dealt, and use what we find there to our advantage.
One of the best ways to get out of the dark in the first place is to be brave enough to sit with it. Embrace it even. You have to be the one to do it. Nobody can do it for you. But you don’t have to do it alone.
My yoga classes, meditations, events, courses and sound offerings are designed to help you create the space and the conditions so you can shift your energy. Emotions are energy in motion … literally!
Herein lies the tools to help you carve and shape your experience. It’s about consistently showing up for yourself. But if you keep chipping away, eventually you will get your masterpiece.