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Having qualified as a yoga teacher in 2022, I am enjoying sharing the joy of movement and mindfulness with the people of Yorkshire and further afield. Keep an eye on my Instagram for updates.

It’s been an incredible couple of years; I now run weekly studio classes in Yorkshire, both in local studios and at a gym chain and I’ve created a digital offering to broadcast classes to people anywhere and everywhere! Visit my SHOP page for all current classes and workshops that are available to the public.

Alongside movement classes I also host monthly deep relaxation sessions. These are called ‘Cosy Club’ and the events have been so popular that they sell out each time I run them! I love delivering seasonal workshops too, using the lunar cycle or equinoxes to gather and perform energy work, shifting ones dynamic state through movement and meditation. My SHOP page has all the current offerings.

NEW FOR SUMMER 2024: I am now a qualified Sound Therapy Practitioner, Level 3. I look forward to bringing Sound Events to the people of Yorkshire!

When I’m not in the studio, I’m tending to my YouTube channel, uploading yoga lifestyle content and ad hoc mini classes! Subscribe here